Easily convert any DNA test using our conversion kit with these 6 simple steps. However, you will not have access to 23andMe find your relatives feature with our conversion kit or access to 23andMe research studies.
Purchase 23andMe® Personal Genetic Service Saliva Collection Kit at CVS. Approximately $29.99.
Print out “ID Card” and return label on 8.5” x 11” paper
Activate “ID Card” using QR code with your phone. Write down your 12 words.
Do not activate with 23andMe. Collect your saliva. Attach GenoBank.io return label over the 23andMe return label.
Return the package with your saliva sample by dropping it off at any US Postal Service mailbox. Do not return the “ID Card”.
Get the result with your 12 words and biosample ID on the “ID Card”.
23andMe is a registered trademark of 23andMe, Inc. The 23andMe kit is available at CVS today!